The next meeting of The Atlanta Historical Computing Society will be held this Saturday, March 14, 2020. We will meet at the usual time (1pm-5pm) and meeting place (Christ the Lord Lutheran Church in Lawrenceville, GA). All current and prospective Atlanta Historical Computing Society members are encouraged to attend.
The main topic of this month’s meeting will be to discuss and finalize details for this year’s Vintage Computer Festival SouthEast 8.0, to be held in partnership with the Southern Fried Gaming Expo in July.
In addition, club member Mauricio Vives will host a presentation: “Operating Vintage Arcade Circuit Boards,” in which he will draw from his experience collecting these boards., many of which will be showcased at the meeting. All attendees are encouraged to stick around after the business of the meeting has concluded (usually we’re done with business around 3pm) to enjoy Mauricio’s presentation.
See you this Saturday!