This year’s show has been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Please keep checking back here for future dates/details about the show in 2021.
Photos courtesy of Jon Guidry and Mark Little
The seventh iteration of the Vintage Computer Festival Southeast, commonly known as VCFSE 7.0, will be here on April 27-28, 2019. All members of The Atlanta Historical Computing Society are encouraged to spread the word far and wide, on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp,, everywhere. Tell your friends, neighbors, family, schools, fellow students, co-workers, everyone. The graphic above, from the Computer Museum of America’s Facebook page, is shareable across many platforms, so please feel free to use it to get the word out; just include the following URL in your promotions:
Also, please don’t forget that we still need volunteers to cover the concessions and consignments areas.
We want this festival to be the best VCFSE ever!
Kyle and I just returned from the Vintage Computing Festival – Pacific Northwest after also spending the better part of a week hanging out with a gaggle of PDP-8 and general DEC enthusiasts in the Portland area. It was a great time and a fabulous show. I look forward to returning next year. Here are some photos of the event, the Living Computer Museum where it was hosted (including some behind the scenes) and some travel pics of the Seattle area.
Join us for a public celebration of computer history and nostalgia on April 21 and 22 in Roswell, GA!
Read more at the Vintage Computer Festival Southeast 6.0 webpage.