Meeting Minutes for 2019: 11/9/19

Meeting Called to Order at 2:15pm

Today’s meeting was located at Christ the Lord Lutheran Church in Lawrenceville, GA. AHCS President Earl Baugh called the meeting to order.


Voting members paid dues prior to election:

  • Mark Little – PayPal

  • David Greelish – PayPal

  • Jon Guidry – Cash

  • Earl Baugh – Cash

  • Nolan Gilmore – Cash

  • Flash Corliss – Cash

  • James Mahoney – PayPal

  • David Trip – Cash

  • Lynn Norton – Cash

  • Alan Hightower – Cash

  • Brent Carroll – Cash

  • Brad Arnold – PayPal

  • John Czerwinski – PayPal

  • Joe Gilmore – PayPal

  • Kyle Owen – Cash

  • Ed Fair – Cash

Election Results:


  • Earl Baugh – Only nominee / 10 votes

Vice President:

  • Jon Guidry – Only nominee / 11 votes


  • Mark Little – Only nominee / 10 votes


  • Alan Hightower – Only nominee / 9 votes



Updates/discussion for Vintage Computer Festival Southeast 8.0 plans from Earl Baugh:

  • Still looking for venue.  Must make decision by end of month

    • So far the best lead is the Marriott at the intersection of Clairmont and I-85 but the current deal is $5K with a commitment to room rentals if our reserved block doesn’t sell.

  • Some sponsorship opportunities exist.   All still pending.

    • Someone is in contact with Earl about combining our show with an Amiga meet-up/show

  • From the list of locations pointed to by Cindy, there is a location up 400 that used to be an old Sears that now does conferences.  Estimated 4K/sqft for $4K.  Mark will forward details.

  • Earl and Ed will interface with the museum on possibilities on hosting the show there either by wholesale rental of the space or the same relationship as past years

  • Yet another open call for volunteers to scout places to rent. 

Other business:

  • Recommendations from several people for Brian Kernighan’s new self-published book.

  • Mention of some other UNIX history such as the discovery of print-outs of the original UNIX source code.  LCM+L has actually booted the recovered code on a PDP7 and posted it on YouTube

  • Nolan has submitted a design for VCF-SE 8.0 t-Shirt.  Need to decide after we find a venue if we can do a run of shirts in 2-color print instead of single.

  • Everyone had fun at the Lawrenceville Hamfest this past weekend


David Greelish gave a presentation on his new book project on the Apple Lisa.


Meeting adjourned at 3:10pm