Meeting Minutes for 2016: 06/18/16

Meeting called to order

Collection of Dues

As per our meeting at election time last year, we had said that we would collect dues at the next election.  This would be the qualification for members eligible to vote (for elections and various club decisions. ) Since Brad was calling an election,  it was time to come up with the first list of paid members for 2016-2017.  The current list of paid members is :

  • Kyle Owens
  • Earl Baugh
  • Sam Lysinger
  • Ben Bradley
  • John Guidry
  • Ben Bolga
  • David Greelich
  • Alan Hightower
  • Flash Corliss
  • Todd Walker
  • Brad Arnold
  • Nolan Gilmore
  • Joe Gilmore
  • Jeff Stokes
  • Ed Fair

Old Business

  • Free Items — As always there was a good pile of free items.  Earl had picked up a number of items from an ex-Microsoft employee (including a Model Airplane!)  Members went home with many new finds.
  • Review of VCF East XI travels
    • Sold shirts
    • Museum a little bigger
    • Speakers good – Stewart
  • VCF SE Videos from 2015
    • Alan working on them.
    • First one of Bil Herd is done (and looks EXCELLENT BTW!)
  • A few more shows coming up this year:
    • VCF MW – September 10- 11
    • VCF West – August 6-7
    • TI Fare : Weekend of October 15th

New Business

  • Discussion of Meeting location
    • Options :
      • Stay at current location : Date would remain third Saturday of the Month
      • Move to Comp-USA/CMoA : Change date to 2nd Saturday of the Month.
  • Discussions were had, and points pro and con were made. It was noted that church would still be available as a optionif there were any issues.
  • Vote:
    • Stay : 1
    • Go : 11
    • Abstain : 3


  • Elections
    • Candidates for Positions
      • President : Alan Hightower, Flash Corliss
      • Vote:  Alan : 10, Flash 4
    • Vice President : Flash Corliss
      • Vote : Flash 14
    • Treasurer : Joe Gilmore, Ed Fair
      • Vote : Joe 8, Ed 6
    • Secretary : Earl Baugh, Jeff Stokes
      • Vote Earl 9, Jeff 5


  • VCF SE 5.0
    • Do we want to hold another one? : For 15 : Against : 0
    • What date? : To be determine
    • Was noted that the Museum will probably not move in 2017, so venue will stay the same.


  • For the upcoming events, the following people are currently planning on traveling:
    • VCF MW : Earl with a friend in Truck, Flash and TBD  on the big yellow bus
    •  VCF W : Alan H
    • TI Fair : John Guidrey


  • Maker Faire
    • Sam shared that he hadn’t received any new news about the event.
    • Not clear when/if they  they were having event. (however since the meeting info has been sent out)
    • October 1-2 tentative dates (from Facebook Page)

Meeting adjourned
